I had an interview today for a position I have been coveting for the past year. This will be the 2ND time I have interviewed for the position, and I feel my chances are pretty good. Since I have previously posted for this position and know the hiring manager, today's round of questions were more discussion oriented as opposed to those blasted "target questions." In the middle of this dialogue, my hopefully soon-to-be-boss, busted out a pen and paper and started outlining strategy during the various stages of a litigated claims file. Though it looks like chicken scratch, this sketch made me excited about my job again. The challenge, the opportunity, the ability to excel in this endeavor is right where I want to be in my career. I don't know why... I don't even think it's a pay raise?!?!
An added complication is a co-worker and friend of mine also wants this job. Though I have a higher title, we preform the same job, and he and I are similar in many ways.
His quote to me today was, (jokingly) "Erin, if you would just die today, it'd increase my chances greatly of getting this job... that would really help me out..."
Now, I'm all about helping friends out, but this time, I've gotta put myself first... Sorry B. ;-)
Your sketch looks like a diagram for a football play. Is this an early look at the OSU game plan for the Michigan game? :)
SIR (Thought I'd use my real initials for a change)
I thought the same thing, especially when he referred to the right side of the line as the "red zone."
It figures your initials would spell "sir" ;-)
But of course :)
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